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The Magic of Who You Are

I often tell people that the horse work I do is magic. In many ways I believe it is. But the truth is, that it’s not some supernatural kind of magic. Rather, it’s the magic of watching people actually connect to who they really are.

Part of the reason that people experience such profound learning when being coached with horses is because they are accessing a very different part of their body and brain. While most of our leadership learning and training comes from a very intellectual place (we read books, we go to classes, we listen to lectures) working with the horses comes from an inhabited body place. Simply put, we FEEL the learning in our bodies, not just our minds.

The magic in learning with our bodies is that we are actually acknowledging that we are animals too. Most of us forget that. Our intellect takes us away from connecting with the most elemental part of us: our mammal. Just like a horse is a mammal, so are we. And just like a horse uses non-verbal ways to lead and communicate, so do we. Only we are often completely oblivious to this.

The magic of stepping into a round pen and being coached with a horse is simply reconnecting to that mammal inside each of us. There is so much wisdom inside our animal body; things we forget to tap into that can really guide us to our true purpose and calling, keep us safe, and allow our inner leader to shine.

If you would like to learn how to better lead your life, how to create better direction and clarity, and how to really learn who you are as a person, we invite you to experience the magic of the horses. We will be meeting in Morgan Hill, CA (just south of San Jose) on November 15, 2014, from 9:30 - 4:30. Check out our website for more details.

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